In 1830s Manchester, a young mother must confront the malevolent presence of the mysterious ‘knocker upper’ to protect her family, amid the relentless struggles of urban cotton mill workers.
Best Short Screenplay, Los Angeles Film Festival; Top 10, Killer Shorts
Official Selections
- Trazana Film Festival (finalist)
- Oh Scares Film Festival
JoAnna de Castro as Elaine
Milo Shearer as Lowell
Aiden Allen as Simon
Aria Surrec as Nettie
Jane Osborn as Mrs. Andrews
Clark Long as The Knocker
Mark Coulter as Mill Worker
Directors: Sara Caldwell, Walter Gorey
Writer: Sara Caldwell
Producers: Sara Caldwell, Katherine Bulovic, Walter Gorey
Director of Photography: Steven Mangurten
Production Designer: Katherine Bulovic
Editor: Evan Langston
Costume Designer: Dee Graham
Composer: Chris Wirsig
Casting Director: Chris Gilmore
Sound Designer: Trevor Hilton
Filmed at the historic Harris House, Glendale, CA